Empowering Women Through Stories

"To whom much is given, much is required." | Luke 12:48

We inspire women who need support in the midst of fear, uncertainty and loss.

Join our tribe on Facebook for daily declarations, attend our annual empowerment conference, or shop Required Women apparel.

"I felt the group was a tremendous support for motivational check-ins... it was helpful to know either I wasn't the only one."


I just watched your testimony on FB.... I love the openness and truth you expressed. It's so refreshing to me when I see people being real about who they are and the struggles they're enduring.


Women Who Pray has been a blessing to me... Having sisters that would pray down Heaven on my behave overjoys my heart.


"I am thankful for you and your obedience to God's work... Thank you for being every woman's biggest cheerleader."


Women Who Pray has helped me change my perspective on speaking life into my situation... It has helped me with life transitions. I’m grateful to have these ladies by my side.


Meet Winique Green, Our Founder